Our Five Core Values

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Trust the Purity Process

We believe that purity in every area of your life allows the Lord to open up doors that no man can shut. Our hope is that you can start with this perspective whether you run a church, a ministry, or a business. God will always honor your integrity as you learn the Full Weight of your Identity in His Kingdom.


Disconnect to Connect

Our heart is to teach individuals and groups the value of removing distractions from everyday life. The biggest issue in today’s day and age is information overload. The Gospel is simple yet so profound when you learn the art of disconnect to connect.


Experience Pure Joy

The Overflow of the Holy Spirit will have a profound effect on your ability to know righteousness, walk righteousness, and share righteousness in this world. The Gospel should portray the vast difference between Joy and Happiness.


Common Unity

We believe that God wants to develop the type of Koinonia that existed in the early church. Our heart is to see all people Discover and Receive God’s Unconditional Love. We believe the “Great Outdoors” is one of the most effective environments for Salvation and Discipleship.

Giving as an Experience

We believe joyful maturity leads to humility, generosity, and ultimately becoming a bondservant in God’s Kingdom. All churches, charities, and business leaders that collaborate with our leadership team will learn the heartbeat of self sustainable ministry and bi-vocational development.